Friday, June 17, 2005

Honey gets Horny

This one goes back to my good old days of Syracuse. My roomie then, Sharma, who I have mentioned about in one of my previous posts was a food court work-horse. Everyone worked on the food court, but Sharma almost lived on it. Sometimes hitting more than 60-70 hours during summer.

Anyhoo, this particular incident was when he was working on the Deli stand making sandwiches. This person walks up to him and says he wants some MixedUpConcotation sandwich. Pumpernickle bread, lettuce, tomatoes, chicken, blah blah blah. I should mention here that this person speaks with a heavy Russian kinda accent. Lettushhh for Lettuce and all. Anyways, as is customary, Sharma asks him, "Would you like some dressing?"

The reply:

"Yesh. Shum Horny Mushtardh."

"Come again?"

"Horny Mushtardh"

"Excuse me for a moment sir"

Sharma goes, gathers everyone working on the food court for that day, gets them near the deli and again asks,

"What dressing was that sir?"

"Horny Mushtardh"

Yeah, I know, Sharma rocks!
(By the way, that was honey mustard for those of you who didnt get it. Now read it again!!)

By the way, everyday when my
current roomie gets on the phone and starts conversations with his girlfriend with a "Good morning honey bunny...." you know why I am having those early morning splurges of laughter!


Blogger Madame Mahima said...

Sharma's eeeevil for making fun of that poor russian man (or wherever the hell it is he came from)
youre EVIL-er for posting that up :P
But being evil is soooo fun
heh heh hehhhh

June 18, 2005 1:50 AM  

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